Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Marketing patriotism

I was just listening to one of our local FM stations on the way back home. The station was just about to play a very old patriotic song and i was really amazed at the way the RJ talked about the new generations remembering the nation in bits and pieces as if it was a piece of joke or as if an enemy is just rubbing it in. Also, the station had a contract with a Mobile company and was also trying to market that song to be set as the caller tone by referring to 26/11/2008. They have some award show on for 26/11 heroes, were the people are to nominate finalists (and what then? are we gonna have an SMS poll to choose the winner?)

Its really a shame how our corporate and media world treats the love for our nation and accuses us of not being patriotic enough. What respect are you giving to this nation? When Sachin Tendulkar made a very strong and patriotic comment there were some political leaders who tried to gain mileage from what Bal Thackery had to say. If you really care about this country why are you even giving these petty attentions seekers the bandwidth?

And after all this we complain about US asking China to play a role in Indo-Pak relations. When you are not united how can you face such a might?

I have just one thing to say. When you point finger remember that other four fingers are pointing at you.

Forget Patriotism, at-least lets do our job and make this country safe and prosperous.

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