Thursday, March 5, 2009

Selling and Buying Gandhi

"Dr. Mallya saves Bapu's legacy" shouted the NDTV widget in my iGoogle's news tab. How irresponsible a statement. I never thought that Gandhi's legacy is attached to his watch , glasses or atleast not his sandals. Dr. Mallya did a good thing at an induvidual presepective and thnaks for that. But i don't think that we should have allowed the auction to go ahead. The government could have stopped this selling and buying of Mahatama Gandhi.

I once heard that Gandhi could have stopped the hanging of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, but he didnot try enough. If that is true, all i can say is that history repeats. Only thing is that, ther was no Vijay Mallya to buy the life of these brave men. That has an important lesson for us Indians too. Money matters most.

But most Importantly, this has brought out the real character of James Otis. The seller. He yesterday night, i read, had announced that the valuables would not be put on sale. Now he is counting his 1.8 million $. I hope atleast now the eyes of Governments of India, China, Egypt and other similar counrties open. It is high time that these countries come together. We need to put an end to the fantasy of west playing with the emotions of other nations. West says its civilized and is sending its army across the globe which acts in an uncivilized manner to make rest of the world civilized. If the west cannot show compassion or understanding. Nor if it is ready to accomdate the rest of the world how is it able to call itself civilized.

I still stick to my belief that no Indian should have bid for this artifact. We don't want Bapus' valuables we want his values. Nobody can take them from us.

1 comment:

  1. Sleeping naked with young girls is not part of any celibacy, allowed by law, religion or ethics.
    our BAPU was doing all these things in name of selfcontrol experiments. I think we need to know more about him with OPEN eyes and unbiased viewpoint.
