Friday, June 25, 2010

Is this blunder in the making or stepping stone to suceess?



The Afghan story is not getting over at all. Now Gen. McCrystal is fired and Gen. Petreus comes in. I simply don’t understand how politicians across the globe have the same genes. I thought Obama would be open to criticism, well, the results are out and he is not. I agree totally that the general should have kept his disdain for the US policy to boardrooms, but if your boss ain’t listening you gotta look for other ways. Also, he did not give out any real secrets or something about the US strategy in Afghanistan.  He just said that  “ I am not happy with my Boss and his ideas”. Why can’t you listen to him and try to take him into confidence? Also, looking at this strategically, a new general has to take control of a war in difficult situation  and he has a deadline of July 2011 by when the President of USA has a promise to keep with his people.


I know that records of Gen. Petreaus, his authoring the counter-insurgency manual, role in Iraq and his political skills. It’s all great, but he has not been on the ground. You took out a man who has been turning it around successfully though not as fast as expected just because he publicly said something that you don’t agree with. If bosses start firing people for that, voh!


For other countries like India also Gen. Petreaus is a point of worry. He is well known as a deal maker. His policy is known as  ‘Play well with All’. So Pakistan would be really looking forward to help him cut deals with the Taliban and other militant groups and by that install proxies in Afghan and as soon as the Americans leave, start undermining the Afghan rulers.  This is their opportunity. It’s know well that USA is desperate to exit Afghanistan.  They know it’s just a matter of time. They also know well that India does not want to get involved in the running of Afghan war.  Somehow,  I am getting a feeling that This is coming back to hit us hard, especially after Obama’s risky decision of leader change.





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