Thursday, July 30, 2009

Past and Future. Are they tense?

Its yet another week on. I have always spoken about politics, social activism, security and lot more. But today I am gonna start of with something different. Something that may seem nothing but is really important.

This Sunday i was on a one day picnic to a beautiful waterfall near my city. The group I went with consisted of families working with a govt agency. I was the only guy from my age group. People elder than me were at least 10 years elder and the younger once were at least 8 years younger. We did all the stuff that most of us do in a picinic. Sing dance etc. But when the day was coming to the close, on our way back in the bus, the High scool and college going kids started a debate. I joined. Lot of issues, starting from NSG to killing stray dogs. It was fun. But it was later on my way back home in a taxi that i thought about it. 5 or 6 years back, when we used to do the same kinda trips we never had debates. We never spoke on social issues. It was simply out of bounds.

Yes, that's when i really felt good about the trip. Our next generation is more aware, much more ready to ask questions and most importantly ready to step out and make a difference. One thing that we all (yes, including me) wanted to do , but never had the balls to. These kids need support and guidance and am pretty sure they will make a difference.

The past at the same time is not living up to the expectations. Yes, I wanna continue from where I left last week. P M Manmohan Singh, gave a speech yesterday on the now christened 'Egyptian Blunder'. He was yet again 'not convincing'. I really do not understand what he is saying. We have nothing to hide so we can let Baloch be on the statement. Damn it, they are now gonna use it to internationalize the issue. We have to prove to the whole world that we are not involved. Congress has been in power for most of the last 60 years of Indian existence. But we never allowed it on any official document. Why? And haven't this one document undone everything?

About the NSG, he says there is no consensus b/w 45 nations in the NSG on new G-8 adopted document. Mr P M , how much time does it take to come to consensus? In how much time did they come to consensus that they should allow us to import nuclear technology? Also, about NSG having to consult us. Last time the U.S. administration was on our side. The famous Bush-Jiabao phone call that allowed the deal to go through. This time the U S is on the other side.

I am absoluty not convinced by the debate yesterday. Secondly, the congress second line of defence (Aiyar, Tharoor, etc) are henpecking us to believe what the PM said. Doing something the Americans used to accuse the Russians of, during the cold war era- 'Tell a lie 100 times and it turns to truth' . I dunno whether the Russians really did that, but hear at least, these guys are twisting the facts and saying it 100 times if not telling lies.

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