Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Learning from the nuclear bomb politics

Today morning I was reading a really good article on nuclear proliferation and the politics behind it. I find it really important that we introspect into what happend in the 1990's with regard to the nuclear bomb and the politics behind it. If some of you are wondering about what i am taking about then take a look at this article.

For those who don't have the time, in the 1990 it is widely believed in the intelligence circles and to an extent known fact that China tested a nuclear bomb for Pakistan. The shocker is following. The USA knew about it and did nothing in fact, it would be more correct to say that they could not do anything about it other than stopping the aid to Pakistan. The to save face infact even sent a mission led by Gates to Pakistan and India. The Indian government even allowed an extensive tour of the border areas to the defence team of USA. There was a war hysteria between Pakistan and India.

Well, what I am coming to is that. There are two points to note. China does a lot of things that are affecting us behind the scenes. Hope everybody remembers what happened at the Nuclear Suppliers Group. They were against supplying fuel to us when the were testing bombs for Pakistan. We can go to war with Pakistan and China. But we can show our economic muscle to both of them. One harsh but effective step could be to declare a blanket ban on any company trading, manufacturing or registered in Pakistan to trade in India. Every company will be forced to choose between us and them. This will help to cripple the Pakistan economy more and force action. They will be forced to goto China, US and UK for more aid. We can do some diplomatic work with US and UK were as hope that China at some point gets frustrated with Pakistan. To China we can threaten a blanked ban on their products. Its recession time, the anyway make low quality stuff and we are the best upcoming market in the world irrespective of the bad economic situation. We must use it to our advantage especially with the diplomatic experience of our bureaucrats.

But the second point is more important. We should understand the double standards of USA. We should make them feel that we are more important. The will get involved whole heartedly only when they are under danger. We need to understand the cunningness of American bureaucrats and every time they trigger an new line of action we need to look for what they are not saying rather than what they are saying. We also need to pressure them that we are one guy who is less dependent on them than Pakistan and we have good leverage and more number of friends. Russia can play a huge role here especially since they have a few scores to settle with the Americans themselves.

No more of 26/11/2008 should happen in India. The 'Few Good Men' didn't give their lives for that.

Lets be the good guys not the nice guys. Lets talk harsh but lets play fair.

I 'll be back.

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