Sunday, January 18, 2009

David Milliband, Rahul Gandhi and the govt Band wagon

So, another week comes to an end. Its being more and more clear that for victims of any terror attacks that has happened in India the common man victim and his the martyrs have all got just injustice and few bucks. Don't mistake my calling the cash award bucks, Its nothing more and many a times it never comes out of paper also. Thats Rising India for you.

Anyway the most appalling event was the visit and comments of David Milliband. Don't know who he is is? Well i won't like to remember him anymore so u can look up in google search. lol . I for once agree with BJP , Milliband's one comment has turned out to be a diplomatic disaster. That Pakistan should try the perpetrators of 26/11/2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Hows that fair. BJP aptly quoted the British demand for two lybian terrorists when an airplane was blasted in mid-air. So why a different policy for India. Also, will U K never again make such a demand?

The Indian government's inability to make a protest or ensure that he withdraws his comments(as if one could) i feel is a diplomatic disaster. Why? simple. If any other diplomat from any other country makes such a comment u can't object. Now its free for anybody to make such a statement. We can't show double standards in this aspect. Rahul Gandhi should not have taken him to the village but to a Diplomatics School as he too anyways need some lessons. Rahul Gandhi should be out of his mind to call a village and its life style as the real India.

If Mr. Gandhi (or should i call master Gandhi) has not yet noticed. Its we who travel by train and bus everyday hanging on windows. They working over 12 hours a day with a megre pay without any laws to ensure that we get a part of the profits that we make for the company and also no laws to protect us from sudden pink slips and unnatural salary break up who are the real India. We push the economy. We the middle class never cry, never take out a march past, never talk about who took how much bribe, don't whine while standing in lines for hours and hours . We are the Real India. I won't say the complete India but we are the reality of today and tommorow. Why Mr. Gandhi and his colleagues(should i say co-thieves), travel in his own words the Lal Batti , we are dying to make India resounding and in BJP's words "Rising".

But alas, our govt does not even have the backbone tell Mr. Milliband that he is crossing the line. They are concerned only in grooming Rahul Gandhi to be the next PM. In simple words, My Today is a game for his learning. Will he change this country? I dn't expect, I just am hoping. For his tutors can't even look into the eyes of some westerners and Pakistanis.

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