Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valetine's Day Carnege

This is totally preposterous. The Valentine's Day hooligans assaulted siblings in Ujjain, I mean a brother and sister mistaking them to be a couple. This should be the low point of all. These Bajrang Dal, Siv Sainiks and Ram Sene activists now are defining every relationship between a boy and a girl to have a physical angle. They are now in a much worse position and spreading a much worse culture of non-tolerance, hooliganism and imposition of ideology than the so called "free world, open culture , capitalist" west. I would any time take that west than this y kind of culture.

Manhandling a brother and sister should be the limit of all. That is one of the most sacred, best relationships of all i personally believe. But irrespective of what i do and don't believe this has come to a flash point where these Right Wing activists have to be told where the limits are. Though i agree that physical relationships are not advised before marriage between couples it wrong to enforce it on them and have a blanket ban or fatwa on it. They are grown ups, they can make choices. This is terrible and these kind of hooliganism must be disowned by one and all.

In a related issue, i just heard that some Indian court declared a kiss shared between a married couple is not obscene. I think its time for our judiciary to look up the meaning of two words "obscene " and "scene". Any particular event that happens and can be viewed is scene and an indecent scene is obscene. It does not involve the history of characters in that scene. If two ppl kiss at the railway station it has to be either obscene or not obscene, it defies logic on what the two ppls history is. It completely out of context.

Coming to one of the scenes that i put up in one of the previous entries(where a father is asked by his kids what a couple is doing when the kids see them kissing). Do u expect the father to find out from the couple if they are married or not and tell the kids they are married so it is allowed? Damn! I still feel that, display of affections should not be under a blanket ban, but still could be banned from common places. Lets say, why the court should care if somebody kisses inside a pub? Lets at the same time insist that they keep off from displaying such emotions in other places. (Anyway, that kind of a thing is going to be very difficult to be implemented, also we know the cops, they will use it as a weapon to extract money out of couples).

All i am saying is that, couples need to stay away from displaying affection publicly(by self decision) and understand their social responsibility(nobody is banning a hug or holding hands, are we?), at the same time these right wing activists (may i politely accord them the status of hooligans) should stay away from these kind of uncivilized activities. I sometimes feel, its their activities that has given much publicity to this valentine's day, there are many families in India that celebrates Mother's Day, Father's Day etc, but they didn't acquire this kinda stardom. I feel this could be nexus between the corporates and these guys too. The corporates may even be paying these guys so as to get more media time and publicity, and we all know the great Indian media. They will show live some somebody rape a girl than call the cops and help her out. They may even ask her at the end "Abhi aap kaise mehsoos kar rahi hai? Abhi aap ka man mein kya lag raha hai?". lol

Anyway, should celebrate or not the valentine's day is your personal choice. Its better to keep some public standards while celebrating (considering social responsibility and not fearing the hooligans). Right Wing activists must understand the Right to life of everybody else, they too have a right to protest, but should choose more civilized means.

I am really sad that the martyrs gave their life for this India. Both these "western culture" lovers and the right wing activists need to understand "we are all gonna live together and they can do nothing about it". Its more importantly, our duty to these martyrs to make this India better.

26 11 2008, Mumbai terror attacks. Lets not forget them. Not just to respect them but to make our India a much better place. TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED.

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