Monday, March 16, 2009

The Election Carnage

I am back after a hectic week and guess what, James Otis wants Gandhi's items back. Anyway I will not discuss him anymore. He does not deserve any more of my blog space.

But lets talk about the upcoming elections. Well, one thing i found really interesting is that the number of voters b/w 18 and 35 is greater than the number of citizens in 166 countries. On a lighter note, I dunno if it says some thing about the Indian workforce but talks a lot about people saying India does not have a good night life. lol. But its a matter of concern too. How is this generation, my generation looking at this election. To be frank, it looks like some kinda tamasha that ain't funny.

With all the election hoopla around something that really does not miss the eye is the corrupted minds among the politicians. Starting from Left to BJP everybody is trying to win. Today i read a really good editorial from Times of India, the author correctly notes "In India, governments always ‘come into power’ to rule us; they never ‘assume office’ in order to serve us". I am not asking them to serve also. But just do your job. All the parties are talking about next generation. I think the next generation is not stuck in the melodramatic world of service, rights and duties. We live in the world of achievements, progress and targets. We want results, not caste divides, gimmicks and freebies.

Everybody wants to become a prime minister. Sharad Pawar says its time for a Maharashtrian prime minister. When did maharashtra started having prime ministers? lol. He goes on to say there has been PMs from Andhra , karnataka, Punjab etc. I am left thinking, when will the time for having an Indian Prime Minister come? May be never. With this attitude, I think never. BSP cheif Mayawati wants to be PM too. Well, join the line is all i gotta say.

Well, even some of the media has compared Mayawati to Barack Obama. Barack Obama never talked about his color or never raked up partisan ideas. Can Maywati claim the same. Lets list out what each of them has done and what they have promised. Mayawati every other second tries to use the dalit card where as Obama never once said "Vote for me, I am black".

I request the media not to insult the good cause that Obama has atleast spoken about. No Indian politian today has the stature to be even compared with Obama.

Also, Indian politics is all different ball game. Thouh even in U S elections being a Southerner and being a Christian to the core helps, I don' t think turns out to be the sole deciding factor. In India caste can be. The BJP is the best example. They are raking up the communal game in coastal karnataka to kick start a political entry into southern states with their hindutva card. This has to be defeated. The number of instances of this hindutva card is increasing in coastal karnataka, especially in Mangalore and Udupi regions. Even some bus conductors and drivers are involved in relaying information of minute opportunities to these splinter hindutva groups. Police is inactive for sure. For the investigation progress and cases registered are proof. Also some times they are even supporting these groups. The arrest of a small time paper owner cum journo is an eye opener.

The congress had abused BJP in parliment when Godhra happened. What is it doing now? Who do we turn to? no congress, no bjp and third front a Manohar Joshi said, its already third. Even if we put them at first, tis of no use. They won't be able to agree on even one issue. There will be more minority apeasment (or should i say minority crippling) and economics and security will go to the dogs. Only formidable team in the third front frankly is the Left, though i don't totally agree with the ideology of communists, still if they win and are ready to be proactive may be in 2014 BJP and Congress will rethink and change for the good. But the fear is that India by then may have plunged into a deep pocket of protectionism and anti-liberalisation.

We the people have only formidable candidate, "49-0". I am sorry to say this, but thats the fact. Bcz parties are on the side of hindus, minorities, Maharashtrians, Dalits, Tamils, Punjabis, North East.

Nobody is on the side of Indians. Will there be in the future? Even Time may not be sure!



  1. first of all, good to know that you are not a communist :D
    Secondly its really unfair to sing praises for Obama without knowing the ground reality. In my views he is no visionary. What he is doing in the US is a sophisticated version of Indian politics. Before the election he took up many issue, said he will undo all of Mr. Bush's policies and after elections, he is just taking fwd Bush's policies. Not to mention his "buy America" anti immigrant policies. If in India its about caste the US equivalent of it is immigrants. He talks a lot about immigrants but in terms of action, not much.

    About 3rd frnt, hindutwa etc etc, its all just media hype. overwhelming majority of the indian voters are in the villages, where they do not have access to cable and stuff. There elections are more about actual work done, not hype. Majority of the people vote because they want a change or they are satisfied with the work done in their region. For majority of Indian voter its not about who becomes the PM, but the kind of work the candidate has done.

  2. hi,
    thnx for the comment.

    but Obama needs to be praised for bipartisan efforts. Second, he should be given time. Also i don't think Obama is anti immigrant. After all, he is also a partial immigrant(through his father). lol.

    Anyway, hindutva and minority appeasement and other factors do play a part to an extent. Thats bcz majority of our population are in villages who are mostly less or un educated and are easily swayed.

    Thats what has to change first!
